*** lavori in corso – possibilmente finiti entro Natale 2020 ***
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If you are interested in any text written by me, feel free to use it as you wish, but do not modify it without my permission and always reference it in your text if it is the case. If the information you found has been useful to you, or if it has not been useful at all, I would be happy to receive a feedback from you 😉 Thank you!
Gericault – La zattera della Medusa
Zilvinas Kempinas – Skylight Tower: opera d’arte moderna esposta a Manifesta7
Fred Uhlman – Der wiedergefundene Freund (Zusammenfassung der verschiedenen Kapitel des Buchs)
La geometria sferica: presentazione realizzata alla Bottega del Matematico 2009 (PDF – OpenOffice)
La fisica del volo (tesina di maturità ): la mia tesina di maturità , se siete interessati ad averne una copia con testo copiabile o stampabile, chiedete e vi sarà dato (forse)!
The Spitfire Make I: technical aspects and considerations (1300 words). Coming soon!
London to New York: the aspects that influence the design of a long range airliner.
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